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1 to 15 April 2021   16 to 30 April 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

One more rainy day. Michele found a yard sale where everything is free.
Michele found stuff for Natasha. I found a free Bluetooth selfie stick.

Just for a change, we took a different road to get back home. What did we see?
A family of pigs! The little ones are so cute.

We are invited to Jannie and Jan's place for supper. Good food, good wine and very good friends. Life is good.

We played that game I never remember the name of...

Another great evening of fun and laughter.

Natasha loves her hat. Kristin was telling us how Natasha loves bling-bling. She is going to be stylish.

I do not know why, but she seems happy and proud to be on the magazine.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Yesterday, Michele found some roses on sale. Here they are. When you live in a MH, you do not have flower pots... A Guinness glass will do!

Our last bike left today.
I found this turtledove nest on the back deck.

I cooked some chicken tonight. It is the first time I do something like this.


We had a sunny day today, but the wind came from Lake Ontario and it was a cold wind.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

We have a bright sunny morning, no wind. A beautiful morning.

The beautiful weather is hard on me. I had to take a nap before lunch. It is nice and really warm in the sunroom.

Jannie gave Michele a recipe for a cinnamon roll casserole. It has some eggs in it and you leave it to soak all night in the fridge. You bake it as a brunch. Sooo good.

The wind picked up. We still went for a walk in the campground.
Our first photo with the selfie stick.

It is still nice and warm in the sunroom, another nap before supper. Nothing like +25°c and an old leather sofa as a bed.

Michele is learning to crochet. She is crocheting a dress for Natasha's doll.

A nice "Stay at Home Order" Sunday for us.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Today I am playing in the sandbox with my friend Jan!

We are supposed to receive some snow tonight and tomorrow. Jan decided to fill holes and do some landscaping on the last few places where work was done for the electrical upgrade. Some sites were pretty dug-up. First, we remove the dirt that is no good and in excess.

We are two operators for three pieces of equipment. It is going pretty fast. We are moving good dirt to fill holes where needed while preparing the upgrade for one of the overflow parking.

We finish with a cover of nice topsoil and grass seeds. Jan will put down the grass seeds before the snow comes.

We got all that needed to be done today, before the snow.

My next project was to get the Shaw Direct satellite dish up and pointed to the proper satellite. Our programing is being restarted today. The satellite dish had a little hard time finding the proper satellite, but eventually, it all worked just fine. We are up and running with our programming.

I still keep a few things to do for tomorrow. Like only selecting the channels we like and subscribe to.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Michele is showing us what she has accomplished for the first time crocheting. She is pretty good too!

It was the first time she did crochet, like the dress with the little flower, the handbag, crown and slippers.

As for me? I went to the MH to select the channels we want for our TV.

Since it is the first time we will be using our PVR, I try a few TV shows for recording. All is good.

We are looking forward to moving back to the MH.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The snow started overnight.

It is sad to see the MH under some snow again...

Even the robin looks unhappy.

I got a surprise this morning. I received an email from the other pharmacy where I pre-booked an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine. It is for the AstraZeneca vaccine. I did cancel our last appointment for the same vaccine a few weeks back. After some more research and listening to our daughter-in-law, I decided to go for it this time. We will be getting our shots at around twelve-thirty today.
I have to say, it is pretty with the snow in the trees.

Our vaccine is in Belleville at Kelly's Guardian pharmacy.

In less than half an hour, we are out the door with our AstraZeneca vaccines. We are so happy to get our vaccines.

In the afternoon, Michele and I chat with my sister Christianne for over two hours.

The snow is almost gone at the end of the afternoon.
Look at those two photos, one in the morning and the other at the end of the afternoon.

Our little Natasha is not feeling really good today.
She has roseola. She also has a fever.

Poor little one!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Jeremy told us Natasha is feeling a little better today. She just has a little bit of fever left.

It is still on the cold side today.
As for the side effects of the vaccines? We have the usual side effects as our bodies are starting to fight the "virus".

Oops! Michele started to get a big headache in the evening. By 9 pm, she was in bed. She usually gets run down when she gets the flu shot. So it is normal for her. I will still keep an eye on her.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Michele had a good night's sleep even if she woke up often. She woke up at 9 am. She is feeling much better.

After Jan's coffee break, he asked me if I wanted to help with moving dirt? Sure! Patricia and I are driving the RTV's as Jan continues removing dirt from the overflow parking. I am done helping at noon.

We skyped with Jeremy and Natasha in the afternoon.
Kristin is working today. She did ask that Jeremy brings Natasha to the emergency room so doctors can have a look at her since her fever is not coming down. It turns out on top of her roseola, she has an ear infection too. A poor little girl.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Jan and Patricia are done with the overflow parking. Looking good!

It is an easy, relaxing day for us.

We have Jannie and Jan over for supper tonight. Once again, we had a good meal and a great evening of fun.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

It is a day of recovery for me.

Natasha is feeling better. The fever is down. The red spots are showing up. It means she is getting over her roseola.

A good day.

Monday, April 26, 2021

We are buying stuff today. Michele bought 2 pots of different sizes from Market Place. They only cost $15 for both of them. We have decided to change our "Creuset" pots because they are heavy and the wooden handles are burning a little when used on a propane range.
I will explain the photos. Number 1 and 2 are the pots we just purchased. Number 3 was the smallest one we had so far.

Now is my turn. This is what I bought. It is a griddle for the Weber BBQ we have. I only paid $20 for it.

The advantage of having a Weber cast iron griddle is that it fits perfectly on the BBQ. You can even close the lid. It has removable handles to move it on/off the BBQ.

Natasha is feeling better, but she is still not 100%.

You can guess who dressed her after her bath?
Yes, our favorite oldest son, Jeremy. He said she was dressed to go to garage sales.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I had a coffee with Benoit on Skype this morning. It is always fun to see and talk to him.

After lunch, Jan asked me if I could give them a hand. Sure!
Because the campground can not open due to the Stay At Home Order (COVID-19) in the province, they are cleaning and cutting all the seasonal sites.
The new campground employee is cutting grass. Jan and Patricia are blowing all the dead leaves in a pile. Andrew picks up all the dead leaves and me, I carry all the stuff to the compost in the maintenance yard.
Patricia and Jan at work.

Andrew with his new lawnmower. He loves it. He has a lawn maintenance enterprise.

As for me, I drive the RTVs.

We did a lot of work today.
I have to say, Andrew was pretty dirty at the end of the day. So was I!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A rainy day.
Between two rain showers, I check out the nests.
The first one is the swan's nest. No babies yet.

Mom is busy, but dad is not far away and keeps an eye on me.

After all the rain we got, the grass is a nice green. It is growing fast now.

The next nest is for the Killdeer.
If you remember, I put a stick to indicate where the nest is located.

The killdeer mom is not very happy with me being so close to the nest.

The eggs are still there.

And why not one more? This one is of a mourning dove. She is not very nervous.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

One more little task.
The doves perch themselves on top of the MH's ladder and poop!

Here is the poop!

The solution? Make it so they don't land on the ladder!
How do I do that? With some aluminum tape and nails.
Let's see if they will land now...

We are also starting our move to the MH. I mean slowly.
Michele is cleaning/dusting the inside. I move some stuff in the basement.

Friday, April 30, 2021

I take a few more things in the MH.
Since the fridge is empty, I decide to make a more permanent fix for the freezer's basket. Why did it break in the first place?
Well, a residential fridge is not made to travel 20,000 km a year. It is fabricated, packed and shipped to your house and stays in the house for years with very little movement, right? So all those kilometres going down the highway are hard on the fridge. They shake, bounce around a lot. The little plastic clips holding the basket in place cannot handle it and break when the basket is full.

I had made some temporary fixes on both sides of the basket. I used zip ties.

On the photo on the left, the old repair. On the right, a cleaner repair. I guess it is a long-term, temporary repair.

The other side of the basket.

You may wonder why I did not buy new parts? If I did, they would break the next time we drove down the road. The wax string I used makes for a cleaner look. It is strong.

Until next time.

Life is good...

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