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1 to 15 October 2020   16 to 31 October 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

My wireless headphone died. The batteries are no longer hold charge. It is too bad, because I liked those headphones.

Since we were in Walmart for groceries, I looked around for new headphones. I found these. They are charging right now, but when I will use them, I will let you know how they sound and feel.

The house is now empty (after lunch). The cleanup starts. We will not be able to move in for a few more days since we have to wait for the oil on the floor to dry. Janie will oil the floor tomorrow, after the clean up is done.

Remember, our sofa has problems with the lever for the recliner? We ordered parts while we were in Moose Jaw, SK.

We ordered two lever at different two different times. Well, the second one has arrived at Jeremy's place in Moose Jaw.
This time, they sent the whole reclining mechanism and not the lever!
Talk about incompetence!!! BTW, we did not do the ordering, The Brick store did.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

It was a cold night, -1° C. Look at the frost on the grass and the fog on the water.

We help Jannie and Jan to clean up the house before we can move in. The main rooms to clean are the kitchen and bathrooms. It's usual stuff.
Jannie has oiled the hardwood floor. Now, it has to sit for a minimum of 24 hours or more. Jannie was very happy we helped her out in the cleaning.

Michele found two living room chairs, rocking and pivoting, for free on the internet. They are salmon (pink). Oh well! It is for the house. We borrowed Jan's pickup to pick them up.
Some of the sceneries we saw on our way.

Once again, the things we see when driving!
Do you want solar power?

And beautiful cars.

These are our new chairs. They rock and swing. They will stay in the garage until the floor is dry. We are very comfortable in those chairs.

We cannot wait to move into the house, probably Monday or Tuesday...

It was a Saturday evening at home, in the MH.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

It was some windy last night. It was coming from the south and hitting the MH right on the side. This made the slide awning flap so loud. It was not a good night of sleep.

This morning the wind is still blowing hard. The awning is still making lots of noise. I have to fix this, temporarily. I was looking for a rope, a strap, anything! I found the garden hose to be the perfect item. you can see it hanging under the slide.

This is not a pretty fix, but it works. And it will not damage the paint and the vinyl of the awning. You can see a corner is riped already.

Like I said, not pretty, but it works.

Michele found more stuff for cheap on the internet. This time it is a bedspread with pillowcases for only $30.

We cannot go in the house yet, the floors are not quite dry yet. It is OK with us.

Monday, October 19, 2020

We start the move!!!

The day started with some more cleaning. It is unbelievable the stuff we have in the MH.
It is raining, of course!

We received some photos that really warms our hearts.

It is a busy day back and forth. We are almost done. Our last night in the MH.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This is the only photo of the day. The most important room is ready!

WOW! What a day. Unbelievable the number of time we went from the MH to the house and back. We are almost done. Our first night in the house.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Another day of rain. We moved the last boxes to the house. Michele took the time to make a nice veggie soup.

We are done moving the main stuff. We probably will move more stuff over the next few weeks, as needed.
We will have to do a good clean up of our stuff to see what we keep and what can go.

We will be in this house until the end of April, or thereabout.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

This is our day off. We move no boxes from the MH to the house. We don't even do the cleanup in the MH! That is tomorrow's job.

The view from our sunroom. Can you see the fisherman? He has both feet in the water!

Can you see him now?

Here he is!

Kristin sends us photos of Natasha almost every day. Thank you Kristin!
Natasha loves Shepperd Pie.

Guess who is giving Natasha a bath?

It was a good day of doing nothing.

Friday, October 23, 2020

When we woke up, it was a sunny day. It did get to the lows 20° C. today.

The same photo, but with my sunglasses in front of the camera.

Michele had her biannual mammographies X-Ray at the Trenton hospital. We will get the results later, in a few weeks. It is a preventive measure.

After we came back, we had a quick lunch and went to the MH for cleaning. It is fast when the MH is empty.

Today, Natasha received her flu shot. Kristin told us that Natasha only whimpered and did not shed a tear. A tough girl!
Here she is right after he shot.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

We had a quiet Saturday morning.
But, after lunch, we went to Belleville at the Value Village. Michele did.

Myself, I went to the Canadian Tire right next door.

To get to Belleville, we took the highway 401. The speed limit is 100 km/h. I am driving at 120 km/h. Believe it or not, I am in the slow lane. Oh well!

To get back home, we took the county road #3. There is more to look at.
Like this!

A good day.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Another easy morning.

In the afternoon, Michele and I winterized the MH. It is the first time we do it on this MH.
We had to stop and think about where all the waterline that needs winterizing.
All the water has been replaced by antifreeze, the right one.

Jeremy and Kristin sent us these two photos. Natasha is helping unpacking her seat.

"A box! I have to get in!"

Another good day.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Here is a photo of our little Natasha in Moose Jaw, SK, -7° C.

Michele found this Wii on Market Place (Facebook) for an excellent price. It is ours now.

Another person had this Wii Fit for sale. It is ours too.

I am going to read the instructions. I must be getting old!

Don't panic. It is our bubble!
We are invited to a fish fry at Millie and Dean's place. Dean caught the fish last winter in Florida.

It was a good meal and lots of fun to be with friends. We were in a safe bubble.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

This is the first snow of the season.

The MH in its winter home.

An hour later!

I am on my way to the MH to pick up some more stuff.

The view from our sunroom. This is Weller's bay.

Two different views of the back patio.

With all that snow falling, it is tiring. Time for a nap!

It was still snowing when we went to bed.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

When we woke up, no more snow on the ground!
It is a quiet day at home. I booked our flu shot today. We will be getting our flu shot on Wednesday, November 4.

Once again, our little Natasha.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The temperatures have been dropping over the last few days. We have a maximum of +5° C with a minimum of -2° C at night. We are very happy to be in a house right now.

Before we moved in, the "over the range microwave" broke.
Jan and Patricia are busy replacing it today.

The one and only "big" piece of furniture we moved from the MH to the house is the sofa.

Our living room.
We also moved a computer desk from one of the bedrooms to the living room.

We went to town for some grocery shopping. I bought a very important item for the car for this winter. A snow broom. I did not smile when I bought it.

Friday, October 30, 2020

I started again to go for a walk in the morning.
It is -3° C this morning.
I even saw ice on the puddles.

I do not know if it is the front, the back or the side of the house. We say it is the front. It is facing Weller's Bay.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Brrrr! -7° C this morning and a walk in the RV Park.
This is the back of the house. I am turning my back to the RV Park.

This is what we see from our patio. One of the streets in the campground.

One end of Weller's Bay, it by our RV Park. The first RV you see is on North Shore RV Park, but the other RV's are in a different RV Park.

We skyped with Jeremy and Natasha this morning. All is good with them, Kristin was taking a nap. She had a hard morning because Natasha is teething and not feeling very good.

In the afternoon, we skyped with Benoit. We must have talked for over an hour.

Sometimes, it is hard to stay awake before supper!

It was a Saturday relaxing at home.

Until next time.

Life is good...

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