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January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2010 November 2011 December 2011
1 - 15 September 2011 16 - 30 September 2011

Sunday September 18, 2011

After such a busy summer, we are taking things very relax.
Yesterday we went to a pot luck and murder mystery at the club house.
Lots of fun and good food.  We were not very good a finding the murderer.
Because of the potluck last evening, the bingo is today at 11 am.
It has been a while since I played bingo.


They have a few new trailers for sale at the campground.  We visited a few but we are keeping our motorhome...

Tuesday September 20, 2011

As promised, a photo of the campsite including our view.

Maintenance day today.
I am changing the air filter and one belt on the engine of the motorhome.

I started with the air filter...
To gain access to the air filter, you have to lift the bed.  No jokes!

Like I said, the filter has to be undone and removed from under the bed.

Just making sure I have the right one!

A view of the new air filter from inside and outside.

A simple job but the location makes it harder to change.
I did it without hurting myself...

Next job, changing the serpentine belt on the engine.
Here I am installing the belt (a view from the bedroom).
And the new belt (black) installed.

Pretty easy and straight forward job.
I am sooo tired, I have to have a beer, a book and relax.

Pretty laided back week.

Wednesday September 21, 2011

Another relaxing week.

The campground is located on Wellers Bay and it goes into lac Ontario.  About 26 swans spend time here on the bay, just feeding and getting ready to fly south.  Also, between 10 and 200 geese are here every day getting ready to go south for the winter.

Today during my little bike ride, I found this old swing left in the bush.  It has been there for quite some time by the look of it.

Saturday September, 2011

This is Applefest weekend in Brighton.
Lots of people and apples!  But I had a corn on a cub and sadly it was very average tasting.  Yes I did have an apple.

With the Applefest, a parade...

You know you are from the back woods when...

What a nice John Deer (or was it Jon Dear?) tractor, notice the attention to details...

Race cars!  There must be races tonight!

Actually, tonight they have the finals on many categories here at Brighton Speedway.
This is a dirt racetrack.

Both ends of the track.

I do not know much about racing and categories but there was lots.  A few of the team came from outside the area.
Some of the different categories...

Here is an accident happening just as I was taking photos...

In this category, the cars have a motorcycle engine.  Boy do they accelerate!

An evening of fun with lots of dust from the race track.  We were there from 6 until 11 pm. WOW!

Monday September 26, 2011

After a rainy Sunday, Monday turned out nice and sunny, +25.
Time to wash the motorhome.  The last time we washed the motorhome was back in early June. WOW!

Tuesday September 27, 2011

Some of the photos I like.

At this time,  I will give you short report on our summer trip in Québec.

Last winter our lifestyle was more like fulltimers but this summer all that changed.
As we have mentioned before, our plans are written on sand and the wind is blowing hard at time.
Last March, our plans were to visit the Maritimes Provinces.  But a strong wind blew on our sand plans.  We chose this years to move from Alberta to Ontario.  Then we decided to go to my aunt Denyse birthday party in Chibougamau.  Since we were going to be in Québec, we had time before we needed to be in Chibougamau, why not visit our families first. After Chibougamau, we stopped in the Lac Saint-Jean area and then the Saguenay. Since we were down that way, why not carry on and see some whales in Tadoussac.  On our way back from Tadoussac we stopped in Baie Saint-Paul/Isle-aux-Coudres and then back to visit families before we headed back to Ontario.  Ouff!

As I mentioned before, we are fulltimer and love the pace but this summer, it was a full speed ahead.  Visit this, visit that.  Other then when we stayed with families, we were never stopped for more then a week at each places. Wow!  Of course we wanted to see everything so our schedule was very busy.

Now some opinions and observation I made while in Québec.
The information center were the best we have seen.  They know how to "sell" the province/city/town.  Campgrounds, hummm, being used to the price out west, they are rather expensive for what they are.  On top of that, if friends or family come by, they pay up to $6 per person per visit.  That becomes expensive.  Road condition, get ready, most are OK but some are very bad. Like everywhere else, they are fixing them.  Word of caution.  Put away the nice wine glasses before you drive here or they may break.  Remember, I lived there before and this is my opinion.  Some people asked me if it is more beautiful here in Québec, my answer is alway that everywhere it is beautiful, just different.  Sometimes you just have to stop and look.  And to finish, the service industry, as in restaurant and other places like that, very very good, if not perfect.  They treat you like gold if you just try to speak just a little French.

Wednesday September 28, 2011

I decided that today was the day to catch up on (almost) all of the little maintenance tasks that fell behind this past summer.   First of, washing of the exterior windows of the motorhome.  The car's windows got done also.  I even vacuumed the car, which I don't do often enough.  I have to change one of the basement door handle because it is very worn.  It broke when I opened the door.  Another one is very worn and upon inspection, I found out that many are worn.
Here is a view of the missing handles.

The broken one.  I looked it up on the internet and tried to find a place close to Belleville who may have them.  No luck!
More to follow.

While I am working hard, Michèle is hardly working!

A very busy day, I have accomplished a lot.

Friday September 30, 2011

The weather is still on the cold side, with rain.  A balmy +10 C today.
After having bought tickets for a play in Brighton, we took a small detour and drove by Lac Ontario and the entrance of Wellers bay.

A little while back,  I purchased a new e book reader/tablet for a reasonable price.  Of course this is not an Ipad, but cheaper and almost the same.  I really enjoy reading books on a new (for me) media platform.
Here is the book I am reading on my e book reader.

Until next time, take care...